Have you ever visited a place and left without experiencing it fully and regretted it later?
Yes? Me too!
In 1984, Bob and It toured the British Isles.
A special part of that tour was Ireland.
One of the places I most wanted to visit was
Blarney Castle.
If you go to Ireland and you go to
Blarney Castle what do you do?
You kiss the Blarney Stone!
Not if you are me! You see, I had a broken foot!
That sounds like a broken record, I know.
Let's see...I had a broken foot March 2011
and April 2012. Well, 2012 was a broken toe
but that's on my foot, right?
April 2010, I was blessed to be able to accompany
my Son, Daughter and Grandson
on a similar tour of the British Isles.
You have just approached the Blarney Castle with us
in the pictures above. I get a DO OVER!
As we enter the tower I observe
what seems to be the exit.
Hmmmm, that's good, at least
there is an escape.
You think they had guns? Oh, arrows, yes, of course.
Oh my! Daughter Kim and I get our first
glimpse of our route. The tour guide said
127 steps!! That looks like at least 843 steps.
My handsome grandson is taking pictures.
He refuses to be go on record as covorting
with this group of looneys.
These pics were not taken at the same spot.
They were taken along the way.
That is my son in the white hat just below me.
He knew I couldn't fall on him.
There wasn't room!
We are looking at the bottom of the steps that are spiraling above us. That light is a photo glare, I think.
Finally, a spot where handsome son,
Robby, could stand beside me. Sorta!
Just a bit further! What?
Hey friends, don't give up on us now. We're almost there!
Oh no, if you think you are going to get me
in the kitchen after that climb, you have
bats in your belfry.
Kim, did you count those steps? How many left!
Whew! Wow, nice view of the village.
Up again? Kim, did you say you were counting?
I am half Irish. My uncle SAID
he had a place over here! Nice digs!
Now THAT'S a birds eye view!
We made it!
I counted 844. Kim, what did you get?
What? A queue?
It is Kim's turn. Good, she didn't fall through
that big hole. I am bigger, I will be ok!
I have to remember, when I was here the first time
I was 44 years old, on this visit I am 70. I can do this!
Whoo Hoo! This is me. The old broad did it!
Whoo Hoo!
Alright, I did it, let's get out of here!
Me thinks it will be harder going down!
Kim, get outta there. We got things to do!
I wanted you to see this interesting view.
We MUST remember NOT to enter the lobby below!
That's not good, they're going to beat me to
I kissed that blankety blank stone,
now, let's go shopping!
I remember this place.
Oh yes, this was as far as I got in 1984!
I hope you enjoyed this Blarney!
Now, let's party here: