
Monday, June 11, 2012

Worthing Court: Happy One Year Blogoversary and a Giveaway!

Go by and visit with Suzy,  at Worthing Court. This is one talented lady and she is celebrating her first year blogging anniversary with a great giveaway.
You will love her blog.

Worthing Court: Happy One Year Blogoversary and a Giveaway!: Hello all you sweet peeps! I can hardly believe it, but yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Worthing Court!  My oh my, how tim...


  1. Sounds like a blog I want to visit. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Thank you for the blog birthday wishes, my sweet and dear friend!

  3. I entered it...but I need to keep up with you and blog about it!!...Good luck Ginger...!!!....

  4. Dearest Ginger,

    Followed up on your 'homework'... Visited Suzy and did it all.
    We just got back from Miami, FL. Found a wet and rainy Georgia.
    Glad we had the 5-night mini-vacation and chance to visit with dear friends while staying at our favorite Hyatt Home in Miami.
    Love to you and Bob,

  5. Ginger you are so smart to sell items that are easy to ship, it took me a couple years to learn that. Anything to do with linen and vintage sewing is so popular



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