
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Actually, this is the "Her's" bunkhouse!
I promised to share more of our trip to see our daughters!
Our First stop was Nashville, Tennessee to see Hollie.
The Southern Living 2013 Idea House
was opening to the public on July 2nd.
No way my camera could capture the entire panorama
This is one awesome complex of five buildings, three of which are connected by the porches you see in this photo.
This photo property of Southern Living
The Idea House is built on the grounds of
"Fontanael" the former home of 
Country, Western and Pop legend Barbara Mandrell
This is the garage with a guest suite above

Don't you just love the rain chain/chimes?
 A shuttle brought us to the site to begin our tour. We started our tour on the backside of the intersection of the two porches above.

This little garden was between the Master Bedroom wing 
and the "Her" bunkhouse.
This is the view of the "Her" bunkhouse 
from the "His" bunkhouse.

The outside doors are beautiful and there was great use of
 pocket/barn doors on the inside.

All the porches were to die for. There was a fantastic porch swing but a young couple were "spooning" there and I didn't feel I could snap their picture in order to get the swing. They were there when we arrived and there when we left. 
If you go to visit the Idea House, please let me know if they are still there "spooning".  Have you ever went a "spooning"?

We weren't supposed to take interior pictures until the 
August issue of Southern Living hit the news stand.

I was able to sneak a few but I didn't post them here until after the August issue was released.

I was able to get this shot of the breakfast room 
through the back porch doors.
 I don't normally like faux flowers but these are exquisite. 
Oh heck, somebody was coming!

More pictures of the grounds and exterior.

The doggie weathervane is adorable!

My Favorite Spot
To enjoy professional interior and exterior video
of this beautiful complex go to
Before you leave, stop by the gift shop 
and pick up a little something for yourself! 
If you are in the area you will find it a real treat to visit.
Proceeds from the tickets go to St Jude's Hospital

When steaming or cooking vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, collards or turnip greens, add a wee bit of sugar to the cooking liquid. It will take away the bitter taste. Use only a quarter to a half teaspoon or half or less a packet of your favorite artificial sweetener. The amount added depends upon how much you are cooking.
Your veggies will NOT taste sweet but you will find people who swear they don't like these vegetables will LOVE them. 
The wonderful benefits of this class of vegetables won't help your family if they won't eat them.

Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped by!

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  1. This is a showhome that I am definitely going to see...making plans for our trip there soon...So glad you were able to see it...It looks spectacular!!! Thanks for sharing this and hope you are having fun with your family!

  2. What a great opportunity. This looks like a fun outing. Enjoy your trip!

  3. What a fun attraction and so great to be visiting the daughters! Glad you did not get arrested for taking illegal pictures LOL! So glad you were able to switch back from Google +, your probably right, they will force us all to soon!


  4. Oh- I would LOVE to see that house. It looks like you had a wonderful time. You naughty girl snapping those photos- xo Diana

  5. As beautiful as beautiful can be, Ginger! What a treat to see this, and that Hers cabin is absolutely precious! Thanks for taking us on this tour we would've otherwise missed! ~Zuni

  6. Dearest Ginger,
    You were a very spunky spy in Nashville, just to fill us in on your great tour!
    Lovely details and that dog house is absolutely stunning. What a design idea.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  7. Oh I'd give anything to be there!!!
    Don't know if I'd be brave enough to take photos if I wasn't supposed to -
    you're like agent 99 from Get Smart LMHO............you need a shoe camera - or watch camera!!!
    But thanks for sneaking them - what a treat to see!

  8. Jaw dropping gorgeous! I'm so glad you were able to get some shots inside as well as out. I would love to take this tour.

  9. Fun tour!!! Thanks for sharing for those of us who live across the states.

  10. I'd have loved to been there. The porches and plants are so pretty. Thanks for the tip to put a bit of sugar in the veggies.
    xo Babs

  11. Thanks for the tour. How about that dog house? Great idea about the sugar...never have heard that....but I will try it.

  12. What a beautiful home, Ginger, and your photos are wonderful. Love the doghouse with the doggie weather vane. That is cute. xo

  13. We visited Barbara's home, Fontinel, last year and it was gorgeous too! I can imagine how lovely this home/compound was. Thank you for your 'behind the scenes' pics and for sharing. Vicki in KY

  14. Wow, Ginger - this is gorgeous! I would have felt like Alice in Wonderland! My favorite would have to be the porches! Absolutely charming and welcoming!
    I took a stroll through your etsy shop, too. I can always find items that remind me of my growing up days. Thanks for the memories!
    GraceinAZ (Pat)

  15. Thanks for the tour...gorgeous place! And thanks for the tip too!!!

  16. hello
    quel jolie petite maison
    et être aller à Naschville ♥♥♥♥
    quel bonheur
    un petit bisous de la France
    edith (iris)

  17. je me suis inscrite à votre blog
    alors à très bientôt
    edith (iris )


  18. Lovely post.Enjoyed seeing each and every shot.Beautiful decor and beautiful garden.Pretty flowers all over.wonderful to see you had a great time.Thank you for stopping by sweet lady.love and hugs.sujatha...:):))

  19. Wow! This looks like a wonderful tour. I'd love to go see it. Oh! those porches-so many wonderful places to sit. And that waterfall is so pretty, and I bet it sounds so peaceful. I am laughing about your "somebody's coming" shot and the spooning couple on the swing. laurie

  20. O, how fun this must have been. I would love to see that show home. :)

  21. GREAT shots Ginger! I almost feel like I was there:)

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  22. Ginger, what a gorgeous photo tour! I used to listen to "Barb" years ago, When Country Wasn't Cool... I wish I could afford a grounds keeper. I love the flower beds but heat kicks my "beehind" so I reply on low maintenance plants like Mexican Heather and Yellow Lantana, and a few Knock out Roses. THANKS for the sugar tip - I avoid those vegges so this might help bring them into my diet ;-)

  23. What a beautiful complex! We've always wanted a farm and it looks like my dream... although I'd be thrilled with the "Hers" bunkhouse. Thanks for sharing!


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