
Monday, August 6, 2012


Our community is a protected wildlife area. 
We have our own Department of Natural Resource agent. He is only a phone call away and available
to all our residents.
Our community is home to a multitude of deer who share the garden landscape with the residents. We plant it, they eat it. There is an abundance of opossums, racoons, shorebirds, song birds, migrant birds, rabbits, snakes and alligators.
One is always careful when stepping into the garden.

Yesterday, I found a surprise in our rear yard just outside the garden gate.

Now, just what did you expect, Godzilla?
I really DID find a surprise in the garden!
 Just about the time I thought all blossoms were 
going, going, gone. 
I see something, pink, peeking out from under a birdbath bowl that had been overturned for draining (for a while). I pulled the bowl back and found this beauty amongst the overgrowth of lavender.
This pretty jewel was past its prime so inside it came to brighten the family room for its last few days.
This beautiful flower is a Rubrum Lily. Scientific Name: Lilium speciosum cultivar; Family: Liliaceae; Toxicity: Toxic to Cats, according to ASPCA. I don't have any cats but if you do, you need to be aware. 
These lilies do well in my zone, upper 8 and have a long lasting flower. Most of these bloomed much earlier while we were out of town. The overturned birdbath bowl may be the reason for this late bloomer.
Whatever the reason, I was delighted with the suprise and this "prissy" blossom gave Bob and me much pleasure for a few days.
These blossoms can remain beautiful for many days, often as long as a week. Make sure to remove the yellow/gold anthers from the stamen before you bring them inside or you will have a yellow mess of pollen everywhere. It will stain.
You can see the anthers in the first two pictures. In the photos inside they have been removed.
Anytime you go hiking about our island be careful where you step. We really DO have alligators. We learn to live with them and the beauty of our gardens. Just so you know, they do stay in the lagoons and we stay out of the lagoons. We stay in the gardens and hopefully they will stay OUT.
I am partying here:
Be Colorful
I Gotta Try That
A Stroll Thru Life

Be sure to check out
Monday Marketplace
For neat online offerings  
from our friends and neighbors!


  1. Dearest Ginger,
    Let's hope none of those gators will claim your garden as its residence!
    Your exotic lily is beautiful, glad you did bring it inside to enjoy.
    Have a lovely week ahead.
    Hugs and love to you,

  2. I really thought that was a "baby" alligator lol - love your real surprise - what a gorgeous flower!

  3. Love popn' for a stroll thru your beautiful gardens,it's always so peaceful here!

  4. Don't you love surprise garden flowers? Sadly, our garden flowers this year were pretty sparse considering the triple digits and no rain that we've had since mid June.

  5. Your garden flowers are beautiful! NOW as for the that little gator!!!!! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. You got me!!! Beautiful bloom:) xo

  7. BOY....you got me, too. I sucked in my breath so hard, I almost fell out of my chair. whew....

    Your bloom is lovely.

  8. I thought it was a baby 'gator, Ginger! I should know you like to tease us. Beautiful Lily. xo

  9. giggle, you got me! I remember many years ago spending time in Saint Augustine. Walking outside to see an alligator had made it's way into a bit of water that had pulled in the low spot of the backyard!Squeel! Your lovely lily is a wonderful discovery xo

  10. Wow.....you got me....hahaha....
    Luckely no alligator but a beautiful flower.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs Bianca

  11. What a beautiful garden! I am now following you on linky, Google+ and GFC. I would love for you to visit, follow back and maybe even link up on my Monday linky party. Us granny's need to stick together. :)
    Marcie @ www.IGottaTryThat.com

  12. Got me there, I thought you had an alligator LOL! Love to find a surprise that gorgeous, how great to find such joy is the smallest of beautiful things


  13. When I first saw the gator I shrieked and said, "why did you get so close to that gator?"....then realized it was fake!..you got me!....some friends of our saw one in a garden center...they really thought about purchasing it hoping to "fake out" the deer .... I wonder if it would work...the lily is beautiful!!!...

  14. You got me for sure with the pic of the alligator. Made my heart do a little pitter-patter when I first saw it! The beauty of the lily is impossible for me to put into proper words. I love looking closely at flowers and marveling at God's creation. Take care, sweet friend. Sure do look forward to meeting you and Bob in October!

  15. Gorgeous!!! Found you at Eye Heart Mondays.

  16. Yikes! You scared me for a minute there. I was thinking about you walking out barefoot and getting a gater bite. Love the idea of living in a protected area.

  17. Please forgive me for JUST getting back to you after you left that wonderful comment on my blog about the mess I have going on! I had a blog designer go into the back end of my blog and try to fix it and she couldn't do a thing! It's as if it has crashed and burned - I am so disapointed & upset! I am thinking I am going to have to go to word press and start over - ugh - that was SO nice of you to leave that for me!!! THANK YOU!!!
    How kind!!
    Have a pretty day!!

  18. Hi Ginger, your lily is gorgeous. What a true gift from nature. I didn't know they were hazardous to cats. That's an important thing to know. Your newest follower.

  19. What a gorgeous lily and such a nice surprise.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  20. That beautiful pink day lily was a really welcome surprise I am sure :)

  21. Ginger, I'm glad your surprise was pink! ;-) Love those lily blooms. I buy them at the flower market. They last a long time. Love the white ones too.
    ~ Sarah

  22. Too fun. :D and that lily is gorgeous. Lucky you. :D Thanks for sharing on BeColorful.

  23. LOL Ginger, I thought you were going to have to call on those gator hunters on tv. I'm much rather see your gorgeous lily. That's the kind of surprise I like, too.
    LOVE your lamp!! too.

  24. Yes, you DID get me! I don't know how small they are when they are young, so I thought that little dude could very well be real!!! I don't EVER want to come face to face with one...no matter HOW small!!! I'm happy for your good surprise, though!


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