
Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Bed For Kitty

I am just getting around to editing photos
taken when I was visiting 
my daughters back in May.
Kim is owned by several kitties.
Franklin, Alpha Male
 Butters, the Kramer of the bunch.

 Goosey, the interstate traveler
 Poppy, the only lady and princess.
Just had to show you Kramer Butters again.
I guess you noticed he likes to sleep in unusual places.

With that many kitties you never have enough beds.
Cat beds, that is!
So what do you do with a vintage suitcase?
You upcycle it into a Kitty Kat Bed!

We desperately tried to find a cat
 to demonstrate this thing.
With seven non resident family members
and a dog about, there was not one cat about.
In the background you can see the other half
of the suitcase. It's made into a single story
bed for kitties who are afraid of heights.
Yeah, right?
 Let's get to the details. Kim used a set of broken
chair legs for the base.
She lifted the interlining, took a scrap of 
beadboard (yes, she has scrap beadboard around)
and made a stable base by screwing through
the board and suitcase into the appropriate
spots on the chair base.
She replaced the interlining, topped that 
with a pillow in a pillow sham.
The pillow sham can go into the washer.
BAM! A Kitty Kat Bed!
Now, if we only had a cat!
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  1. Your Kim is such a cleaver girl! I bet the cats love it. I'm sure she inherited her cleaverness from her mama!

  2. I love that catbed! And I sure do love her kitties. It makes me miss having my own cats more and more- xo Diana

  3. Very clever indeed! I bet the cats love those beds when there's no on around!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ (Pat)

  4. All her cats are fluffy, furry and hugable looking. Two beds out of one item, now that's smart.

    I hope you and Bob have a blast on the 4th!

    OX's…Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  5. I'm sure the cats are very entertaining! That's a cute idea for the bed:@)

  6. That is so cute and nothing short of brilliant in its conception!

    I love every picture, but I have to tell you that Mr. Goosey the interstate traveler looks... just a tiny little bit... like he could be named Adolf.

    Just sayin'...

  7. These kitties are all so pretty! Franklin definitely has that alpha look about him and Butters is in one of my Stormy's favorite positions. Love Goosey's mustache and Poppy looks like a sweetheart. Great kitty bed idea!

  8. Love the cats and the cat beds are so cute! Very clever!

  9. I will be making some of these ASAP! Thank you for the cute idea! :o)

  10. Never a dull moment with cats around. They're so funny. Cute cat bed...lucky cats.

  11. That is the cutest kitty bed i have ever seen!..how incredibly clever ... love the quilt!!...So many cutie kittys...

  12. I can't believe a few of them where not fighting over the bed, they love things up and off the ground, well I am sure they just had to wait for you to put the camera away. Adorable idea!


  13. What a wonderful cat bed! And how typical of cats to disappear just when you need them to model this new creation! I'm glad Butters finally showed. We just increased our cat population here to four as well and, you're right, that's a lot of cats with a big need for multiple beds! Your post is an inspiration, Ginger!

  14. Clever idea! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. what a resourceful idea! they're all so cute, but i have to say i am partial to the regal ginger on the top...
    hopping by from the eye heart hop- good day to you!

  16. Those are some cute furry friends! the bed is awesome! Happy 4th of July to you and your family!

  17. Clever bed idea and fun photos. Life with that many cats has to be interesting. Thanks for sharing on BeColorful

  18. What a great idea! Those are darling. My cats are stinkers. When I make or buy something.. they never like it. They prefer to use a favorite sweatshirt or a pillow I DON'T want them on! LOL. Typical.


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