
Saturday, December 3, 2011


This is the season in which
we celebrate the greatest Gift
in Christendom!
While we celebrate the birth of 
The Christ Child
This is only the beginning.
The Sacrifice is not complete
 The Promise is not yet fulfilled
 While we celebrate and make merry
 We must remember in the distance
 A shadow looms
It is more than three decades 
In the future.
Til the fulfillment of God's 
Gift To Mankind

When I display this beautiful Boehm Nativity I feel compelled to also display this beautiful crystal Cross.
I never want to get so caught up in the beauty and sweet spirit of the Nativity
that I forget the promise given on that
"First Christmas"
was fulfilled on

I pray our Lord's richest blessings for you, your loved ones and friends during this Holiest of Seasons.

Savannah Granny, Ginger


  1. What an absolutely beautiful post, filled with beautiful truth - Thank you!

    By the way, CONGRATULATIONS! You are the winner of the Custom Canvas Photo Print Giveaway
    at Knick of Time Interiors!

    Here's the link to your "win"!

    Please email me at jasmasix@msn.com with your name, address, phone number and email address and I'll forward your information to Easy Canvas Prints so you can create your canvas print!

    Angie @ Knick of Time Interiors

  2. Beautiful post! Love your colors. You have the true meaning of the season.

  3. This is beautiful my sweet bloggy friend. God Bless xo

  4. Beautiful nativity scene!!
    Miss Bloomers

  5. Lovely post, I am so enjoying seeing how everyone celebrates this special time of the year.

  6. I love your nativity scene
    and the crystal cross too.

    Sadly the true meaning of Christmas seems to have disappeared among all the rush and madness to socialise.

    It is a special time and people should remember why.

    Wishing you and family well.

  7. Beautiful nativity, Ginger! And beautifully worded post. I love the white figures with your blue satin... You know something? I'd love to see your nativity set all in black, with a white satin... wouldn't that look fabulous too? Wish I could find something like that. Anyway, your set is lovely. And I saw the first comment you got: Congrats on your win!!!!!!!!!

  8. I pray the same for you, my sweet bloggy friend. This is a wonderful reminder of what Christmas is all about no matter how hard "the world" tries to say it isn't!

  9. How beautiful! I mean your words and of course all your decorations are lovely but I love you tell the story. Your Nativity scene is beautiful with the crystal cross.
    Blessings to you and yours.

    The French Hutch

  10. Hi Ginger...

    AMEN!!! What a wonderfully sweet post, my friend! Jesus is truly the reason for this season...and as you said...His miraculous birth was just the beginning! I am so thankful for the Father's promise to us...and for the sacrafice that Jesus made! I appreciate this very special and sweet post, Ginger...thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    I'm so sorry that I'm getting by so late for a visit. I hope that my note is finding you and your family all doing well!

    Warmest Christams Wishes,

    PS...your Nativity is beautiful! I also love how it looks on that beautiful royal blue velvet! Gorgeous!!!

  11. Beautiful post! I love your quote about the promise of the first Christmas being fulfilled on Calvary! How True!

  12. "The first Christmas was fulfilled on Calvary" Love it. I'm your newest follower and would love you to drop by sometime.

  13. So true and beautifully written. So many people see Him as just a baby in a manger. I love how your scene tells the whole story.

  14. What a gorgeous nativity! Happy Blue Monday!

  15. A very nice and inspiring post.

  16. So beautiful, so lovely! Thank's for sharing:)

    Visiting for Blue Monday! Here's mine-hope you can stop by:)



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