
Sunday, November 20, 2011

EEEK!! Enter At Your Risk!!

Be Sure to enter the GIVEAWAY
I am sponsoring at Debbie's
That time is approaching!!
I may be forced to go in there!

I'm not sure if this pic is blurred or 
if it's just the time of night.
Do you have a fear of going "THERE"?
You know, the place 
where you store the Christmas Decorations.
Do you have this phobia?
Our guests don't wear clothes. No place to hang them.
This is a walk-in closet in one of the guest rooms. Everything, in the boxes you see, goes on the Christmas tree in the living room. Scary isn't it?
I didn't take a pic of the other side. The outside wreaths are there.

Every box you see, here, holds Christmas Decor for the kitchen. There's more on the floor. It was messy. See that little elf door to the right? Well, there's more in there. That's Granny's attic. 
I got so panicked I decided to rest a bit.
You see, Kim and I have been working on our 
and I have been overwhelmed.
So, I decided to reminisce 

One must first think about the 
"Reason for the Season".
I give thanks for the precious gift of eternal life. 
I think our Lord smiles at some of our frivolity.
At least I hope so!
I begin to remember.

The Kitchen Tree

 View of Mrs. Claus and a back side view of my vintage collection of Norman Rockwell ornaments.
These pictures were made from 2006 through 2010.
I wasn't expecting to place them on public view.
 OOPS! Lord I may be stretching it.
One of my favorite little fellows. Thrifted for $5.00.
In this picture, he is skating on the dining table.
This was also pre-blog days.

If you notice the cresent moon mirror over that door, it's just my sick humor.
That's the powder room! 

I know! I gotta go back up the stairs to those CLOSETS!  Just not yet!
Wish I could figure out how to get a pic without the fan. Any suggestions?
Those candles are not leaning. It has something to do with the camera angle. I will use the deer, purchased from Z Gallerie several years age, again this year. They will just show up somewhere else. 
Notice the glass cylinders. They are now on my

One more Peek before I turn out the light BECAUSE
not tonight, I have a headache!

Before we get too caught up in the season,
Let me wish each of my fabulous Blogger Friends
It's been a great year.
I am joining the following  parties. Won't you party with us.


  1. That closet is just amazing!! Everything packed and stacked and labeled - I wouldn't mind going in there and checking out all those goodies. :) xo

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I am much like you - I have a whole room full of Christmas! Your tree is especially beautiful and you do a wonderful job all the way around~ Love it~ xo Diana

  3. Oh my goodness sweet friend, I know what you mean! I was so scared to go into mine too, but I'm finished decking, but I had been so busy taking care of guests in the house for 4 days, 8 people and started out tired, because my daughter Alex had some surgery done and I took care of her too. I saw those pics from last year and I also wanted them to materialize and puff!!...like magic, but no! Your home looks stunning from Xmas past. Take it easy darling. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! My Christmas decorating is done and the gifts wrapped! We are celebrating a Thanksgiving/Christmas! I took three boxes of unused decorations to Goodwill yesterday!!

  5. Wow, you could open your own Christmas store! At least you're very organized and have it all in one area, labeled, etc. Way to go!

    I have to say that chandy is absolutely gorgeous! Love the bling ~

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    The closet is amazing, everything so organized and tidy.
    Good luck with getting all your decorations up, that will take a while, but will be beautiful to see around your lovely home.

    Happy new week

  7. My Christmas decor is stored in my basement crawl space. So it's good it's out of the way most of the year, but bad when you want to start digging into it and have to climb up in there to get to it. I love your tree. It's so shiny!

  8. I too have that fear of my Christmas closet. Yours is more organized than mine! Your decorations are beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I know what you mean! We don't have a good storage area in this house so I have stuff everywhere...which is really a challenge! But I'm sure I'll want to dig into it all soon! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! ♥

  10. Well, that is the neatest closet I have ever seen. I only have 3 Christmas boxes, but looking around your house I see why you have so many boxes....When you don't have a headache and you get to it...It will be gorgeous!!

    PS: can't wait to see your form when you finish

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! That closet is full! Take my advice, I don't start until the calendar says December. Trust me, those boxes will wait! I enjoyed seeing Christams past!

    Robin Flies South

  12. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! I'm not touching Christmas until after Thursday! Just helps me to stay sane! hugs, Linda

  13. Oh, that closet is amazing. It's so organized. But, yes, I experience the fear every year. Right now, every inch of my living room floor is covered with boxes and their Christmas contents. It's almost overwhelming. I'm following and will visit your Etsy site. Congratulations on your venture. Good luck!

  14. It takes us two trips in the truck to get our Christmas tree and decorations from our storage unit. I do my best, but I am just not the most artistic decorator in the bunch! Thanks for giving us a peek - and that closet is not really too scary! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Hugs, GraceinAZ

  15. Dearest Ginger,

    Happy Thanksgiving to the both of you as well. We just got back from Toronto, Canada from the wedding. Need to rest up now...
    You certainly have a 'store' full of Christmas decorations.

    Love to you,


  16. How fun that you were cohosting! I am out of town for Thanksgiving so didn't see it soon enough. We got up a few things before we left so that we have a little done when we get home. I know the panic, but your closet looks so nice and organized! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  17. I so need to get organized I'd love it if you would add this to my link party at http://raegunwear.blogspot.com/2011/11/what-i-wore-wednesdays-1.html

  18. I am amazed firstly that you have so much "stuff" and secondly that it is all packed away so tidily!
    My "stuff" is all over the place and it takes me ages to find everything, maybe this will inspire me to pack it all away neatly in the New Year.
    Love the silver mantle and the golden tree, just wonderful.

  19. Your closet looks really organized to me! Love your kitchen tree, I'm ready to start decorating. Happy Thanksgiving Week:@)

  20. I must show this to my daughter, the organization freak robot of the family. She would give you a standing ovation.

    As for me, I just love the final product. Your pictures from Christmas past are so lovely, and I can't wait to see what you do when you finally let Christmas come out of the closet.

  21. First, I love an organized space! Two, You decor for Christmas is so beautiful. Three, you chandelier is so stunning it made my heart skip a beat. I am drooling too now.

  22. Hi Ginger...

    Ohhh...all of your Christmas decor was gorgeous, my friend! I really LOVE how you decorated your mantel...it just sparkles!!! Very beautiful! And...I love your trees as well! I am doing my big tree this year...in the same colors that you used for your kitchen tree. I'm having fun with it! Hehe!

    Well dear lady, I was lucky enough to have my honey offer to bring all of my Christmas down for me this year. It's stored upstairs in our storage room. I think I have as many boxes as you...it is a bit overwhelming isn't it! I can't wait to see your Christmas decor this year...I know it will be fabulous!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your photos of past Christmases with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week...this was such a treat! Warmest wishes to you and your family for a blessed and happy Thanksgiving, dear friend!

    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...I too, am soooo grateful for the real "reason for the Christmas sesaon"!

  23. WOW! Your very organized! I have my Christmas decorations in large plastic tubs too. It's so much better than the cardboard boxes.

    I loved seeing all your past Christmas pictures.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. I love seeing all of your Christmas past decor. That kitchen tree is too cute! I'm dreading pulling out the Christmas stuff too. Boxes and boxes of it like you. Seems like I just get everything done and then it's time to take it all down again!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Ginger! I love your vast array of Christmas decorations! I hope we'll be seeing more of them as the season goes on. But I know what you mean about making the first approach to the Christmas treasure trove! Scary!!

  26. Can I just say that your closet is SO organized! You should see my holiday decorations. Thanks for taking us down memory lane with you. You have such pretty things. I am a new follower from Motivate Me Monday. Vicky from Mess For Less

  27. I enjoyed seeing your previous Christmas decorations. I wish I had room in my kitchen for a kitchen tree. My sweet husband has already pulled out our totes, so I have already begun some decorating.

  28. Wish my Christmas closet looked that neat. Love your 'loaded' tree.I try to hang every ornament on mine that I can and it is FULL. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
    Audrey ... found you on Debbiedoo's

  29. Such organization! So impressive.

    - The Tablescaper


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