
Saturday, September 10, 2011


September 11, 2001

3056 stars were added to the heavens!
Fact Sheet
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
August 15, 2002

September 11, 2001: Basic Facts

Chronology  8:46 AM    Plane crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.  
  9:03 AM    Plane crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center.  
  9:17 AM    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shuts down all New York City area airports.
  9:21 AM    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) halts all flights at U.S. airports.  It is the first  
                   time in history that air traffic has been halted nationwide.
  9:38 AM    Plane crashes into the Pentagon.  Evacuation begins immediately.
  9:45 AM    The White House evacuates.
10:05 AM    The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:10 AM    A portion of the Pentagon collapses.
10:10 AM    Plane crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
10:22 AM    The State and Justice Departments, as well as the World Bank are evacuated.
10:28 AM    The World Trade Center's north tower collapses.
10:45 AM     All federal office buildings in Washington, D.C. are evacuated.
  1:44 PM    Five warships and two aircraft carriers are ordered to leave the U.S. Naval Station
                   in Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Coast.
  4:10 PM    Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.
The Flights
American Airlines Flight 11
From:  Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
To:       Los Angeles, California
Lives:  92 people on board
Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center at 8:46 AM
United Airlines Flight 175From:  Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
To:      Los Angeles, California
Lives:  65 people on board
Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center at 9:03 AM
American Airlines Flight 77From:  Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport)
To:      Los Angeles, CA
Lives:  64 people on board
Crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38 AM
United Airlines Flight 93
From:   Newark, New Jersey
To:       San Francisco, California
Lives:   44 people on board
Crashed into rural Pennsylvania (southeast of Pittsburgh)
VictimsVictims came from more than 90 countries around the world. 
The following are the number of people who died at each site:

World Trade Center        2,823 (includes airline passengers)
Pentagon                         125 (not including plane victims)
Flight 11                            92 people on board
Flight 175                          64 people on board
Flight 77                            64 people on board
Flight 93                            44 people on board

Never let anyone tell us to move on!


I won't be in blogland this weekend. I will be remembering,  this loss, with my family and thanking God for their presence in my life.
Please visit:


  1. 9-11 and the memory of all the precious lives lost will be in our collective memories forever, like some of the other tragic events that have shaped our generation. We've lived through some challenging and tragic times.

  2. Dearest Ginger,

    Lovely tribute! Indeed we should honor all those victims.
    We will be celebrating a special birthday of an 8 year old boy here in Germany...

    Love to you,


  3. Well said, Ginger. Never let anyone tell us to move on. Amen.

  4. What sad facts! A day that will live forever in the memory of all of us that are old enough to remember it. We will all remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news. xo Diana

  5. Thank you Ginger, for this post. I surely cannot forget. All New Yorkers cannot. And all Americans shouldn't either, as it is not over yet. xo,

  6. Nobody will ever forget the sacrifice they did. Poignant post.

    My Pink is at my Nostalgic Marveling blog, hope you can visit. Thanks and have a blessed day!

  7. We will never forget, our prayers are with everyone.

  8. The pink stars are very touching, we all are saddened by the events of that day. We're all praying for the families and friends.

  9. Thank you. I've been weeping all weekend, and I'm standing on God's promise that He will take a curse and somehow turn it into a blessing. I trust Him when He teaches that He will comfort us, and in turn, use us to comfort others. Cherry Kay

  10. A sad day indeed. thanks for the reminder. xo marlis

  11. Beautiful heartfelt tribute. I love how you did this. I have chills reading it, as I have with every other post of tribute today. Thank you for posting and also for stopping over at my blog and leaving such a lovely comment.

  12. Beautiful remembrance of a tragic event. It is so true. We will never forget.

  13. You did a remarkable and different feature on remembering this sad day. Excellent job.

  14. Beautiful tribute to those we will never forget. A day lives were changed forever.

  15. Thanks for such a wonderful post, we won't forget. Debbie

  16. Hi lovely lady.
    This was a sad time for us All and our Nation.
    XXOO Diane

  17. I will never forget, Ginger, and no matter how long it happened, everytime I watch anything about it on TV, brings tears to my eyes...Christine


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