
Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am joining Debbiedoos' Pet Partay!

Today I will introduce you to three of my Grandpets.
These four legged members of my family are every bit as sweet and treasured as the two legged family members. They know and take full advantage of that fact.
This is one of the youngest members he belong to Hollie, my daughter in Nashville. He is a baby Pug named "Bobby" with not a white hair on him.
Isn't he adorable?

Sweet Old Bob gave this puppy to Hollie when she lost her beloved but aged fawn Pug, Blue. It was a sad time but this sweet baby has made her days a little brighter.
He was a tiny little thing.
Bob insisted that she name the puppy for him. 
Well, she came close. Can you believe this baby's AKC name is "Ricky Bobby Boucher". Hey! They live in Tennessee!
He was twelve weeks old here. The white dot on his head is a bug bite, now gone.
He is probably about five months old now.

Next up is "Franklin".  He is the king of the pride in my daughter, Kim's house. He lives in Illinois.

Please note his throne. He is too important to sit on the red velvet.
 He is rarely pictured in any other pose.
He usually too busy, "herding cats" to do photo shoots.
He is either "taking care of business" or sleeping.
There are three underlings in his pride.
During the summer months Franklin sports a Lion Cut.

The next grandpet today is "Butters".
He is the clown! He chases laser lights and has his own seat on the breakfast banquette.  He also helps with the Christmas decorating.
Butters likes to get a human's eye view.

Franklin is embarrassed and is definitely not doing his job.
HO,HO,HO! Make that Ho Hum!
Oh Franklin, lighten up!
Mom, not one more ornament for you. You are one baby's breath sprig over the line!
Well, that's it for today. I will be back to introduce more grandpets next time.

Please leave a comment and if you enjoyed your visit please follow and I will follow you back.

Today be sure to link up To Debbiedoos to meet lots more fantastic four legged friends.


  1. You are a sweetheart! Have fun with your "cuties" at Debbie's party!

  2. Pets are so much! Love the life and antics they bring, enjoy the grandpets:@)

  3. Oh my gosh, I am all smiles from ear to ear here. Bobby, well he just steals my heart. Funny Lucy never had white either til this year under her chin..she looks old now:) Loved The kitties two, they always seem to intrigue me, as you never know what they will be up to next. Thanks Ginger for joining in.

  4. I have a grandpuppy too, I should have included her! They are all darling and your right we treasure them as much as any 2 legged family members. Nice meeting you, visiting from the pet party


  5. The puppy's eyes are just compelling me to smile from ear to ear. The cats are fine...love em all.

  6. Terrific Grandpets!!! They are all adorable:)

  7. What beautiful Grandpets you have and you are a Sweetheart to share them all with us!
    Warm Winter Hugs to you...

  8. I have been to your blog before, but never followed, I am now!


  9. What a lovely trio of grandpets :-) They're all adorable, but Bobby is super-cute - there's just something about puppies!

  10. Franklin wants another picture posted because that was not his best side.

  11. Love your post! That little black puppy is adorable ... love the cats, too!

  12. Oh my how precious they all are!

  13. What great grand pets.. I have two cats...Thanks for stopping by my site and putting your name in for the giveaway. Good Luck.

  14. Your grand pets are very cute. The cat looks like my Rusty and the pug is too cute as a puppy.

  15. I love your grand pets! So cute and I love it when cats chase laser lights.

  16. Cute pictures! Cats are fun! The pug is a cutie!

  17. Cats are perfect fun and love.... love every photo of yours... its so cute . oh wish for grand pets. that sounds so interesting:)...

  18. Oh, they are fun, Ginger! I am laughing so hard at the kitty who is king of the pride. I had an orange tabby who did the same thing. LOL!

    And that pug! Oh, that darling pug! He is as cute as can be, and I love the name Bobby for him. It just fits. How sweet of Old Bob to do that for your daughter. Let's see, I lost my terriers a few years ago, do you think Old Bob would buy me a pair of chihuahuas I saw the other day??? Oh, you have no idea how close I came to getting two! I talked myself out of it due to the price tag attached, but they were darling. I think, though, I might hold out for a Toy Fox Terrier... though one of the chis had similar markings. Who knows, I might be joining y'all on introducing some new animals at some point. ;-)


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. Up at the crack of dawn playing catch up on these posts!

  19. Granny, I've often thought I might like a "pug",this one is a cutie for sure..


  20. Bobby is so adorable and seem to like the camera. Franklin and Butters are sweet too. Franklin reminds me of Garfield.


  22. I love your grandpets. My daughter recently met another pug named Bob and we have been laughing about that ever since--it's such a great name for a little dog! And those cats remind me of our old long gone Hopscotch. Really, I don't know how anything gets done around here without his help and supervision! Enjoy them from afar--I think grandpets must be like grandkids--all the fun, then they go home to the parents! Linda

  23. Our pets bring such joy to our lives. I agree with you, they are every bit members of the family as the two legged ones. Bentley is his Grandma's sweetheart and I can see that you have sweethearts too!

    Susan and Bentley

  24. oh, how fun! i joke that my cat is a "grandcat"-i even saw a sign that said ask me about my grandcat! you need that. those sweet pugs look just like debbie's!

  25. Well I just love little Bobby! Cute, cute grandpets!
    Ms. Ginger I hope you're having a great Monday!

  26. Little Bobby is so cute ... he looks like a toy! Franklin is very regal, sitting there on his throne and Butters is the opposite, isn't he? So full of fun! Our little fuzzy buddies all have their own personalities, don't they? Life would be so boring without them!

  27. Hi lovely lady. I think Bobby is so sweet and cute !!!You must love him a lot !!!! We have a 150 lb Blue Great Dane~~~ she is on facebook. I hope you have a Great Day.xxoo Diane

  28. You have a very cute set of grandpets! My animals always sent my Mom a Mother's Day card. She was amused by it, but the animals insisted.

  29. Angela at West Virginia Treasures has a pet party every Tuesday called Show and Tail, you should link your post with her as well. Pets are the best!

  30. Ginger they are all so precious! Oh they made me smile. :)

  31. Well it is so wonderful that you love and appreciate your grandpets. They are all just precious.
    Thanks for sharing.

  32. What wonderful pets! I wanted to join Debbie's party but just didn't get a post done. It is good to meet you, I am looking forward to getting to know you! Thanks so much for grabbing a button. Have a great weekend.


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