
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just Hanging Around!!

Just to let you, my Blogger Friends, know that you mean a lot to me. I cherish our friendship. Granted it is a virtual relationship 
but you have welcomed me into your community. All of you have been so very kind and I feel very close to so many of you.
I will be taking a break, just for a while. I have some things 
that need my attention. I need to rest and renew. I intend to be
back to blogging full time some time in October.
Don't give up on me! I hope you will continue to visit
 when I get back. Until then,
I will be hanging around!
 I will be visiting YOU!
I'll be back!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


God Bless America!
This is a repost of my visit to 
the 9-11 Memorial last October.
It was a sobering and solemn sight.

I like many, will never forget where I was and what I was doing on that fateful day.
I have visited ground zero on two previous occasions but on this visit I was privileged to see the memorial taking shape.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Free Wreath Hangers
in your closet!
You can make them in minutes.
 Earlier in the summer I published a post about making this wreath. At the same time my daughter, Hollie, showed me how she makes wreath hangers for free.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Everyone is talking about
and wishing for Fall!

While Fall won't officially start until 
the third week of September,
(in days of yore, one could say the 21st
but now it is calculated to the hour)
the month of September has an "R"
in its name.
Around these parts that means
Oysters are in season and that means